Saturday, April 20, 2019

Resurrection Sunday, April 21, 2019

Everybody wants to go to heaven, but nobody wants to die.

Today is the Feast of Feasts in the Catholic Church! The Lord is risen indeed! Alleluia! Throughout the entire Easter Season, the Angelus prayer that is offered, when possible, at the ringing of the Angelus bells, is replaced by the joyous Regina Coeli. Because eggs symbolize new life and they are special because they were once forbidden during Lent, Christians make great use of them on this day, eating them and decorating them.

Scripture ...
Luke 24:13-40

Reflections ...
The two Emmaus disciples are walking on the road when they meet Jesus whom they do not recognize.  Jesus skillfully played along with the conversation, encouraging these men to reveal their hearts. Jesus longs for us to tell Him what is going on in our hearts. 

The report of the empty tomb by the women as well as Peter and John didn’t convince them because they were not there.  Jesus wanted to know from them what He wants to know from us today: can we believe without seeing with our own eyes?

Jesus can be walking right beside you today but your eyes may be restrained from seeing Him.  Let us pray that God will open our eyes and witness Jesus spending his time with us. Burning our hearts with his spiritual words.

Jesus then appears to the remaining disciples too and says, “Peace to you!” But the disciples are gripped with fear. He immediately invites them to touch His flesh and bones so they can be convinced He is no ghost or spirit. He adds visual proof by eating a piece of broiled fish.

The disciples were completely convinced that Jesus rose from the dead, but they had a hard time accepting it because it seemed too good to be true.  These are the true witnesses He sent out into the world. Through these weeks of Lent we have read their eyewitness testimony. May Christ’s forgiveness, peace and eternal joy be yours until we see Him with our own eyes and touch Him with our own hands in Paradise.

Prayer ...
Jesus thank you for your disciples and for their testimonies.  Strengthen our faith through their words.  Help me to be Your witness through my good deeds and actions that I may also be able to profess your faith. Amen.


Thanks to various sites for the ideas .  I have tailored the materials accordingly to suit my needs.
Reflections and prayer –

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